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2016-07-01 来源:世界轨道交通资讯网
  China deal for Robbins 29 Jun 2016
  Shani Wallis, TunnelTalk The Robbins Company of the USA has secured a merger and acquisition deal with Northern Heavy Industries (NHI) Group of China. 美国罗宾斯与沈阳北方重工完成了并购交易
  An initial report from a senior source at Robbins confirmed: "Yes; NHI is investing in Robbins. However no big changes as far as Robbins is concerned except we will be more financially strong."
  罗宾斯的高层确认:“是的,北方重工将投资罗宾斯,但这对罗宾斯的运营变化不大,只 是在财务上我们比以前更强大了。”
  NHI announces the deal after its acquisition of NFM Technologies of France in 2007.
  A statement from Robbins explains that the agreement is the first step of a three-phase merger process with NHI. In the next phase, anticipated to occur in July 2016, NHI will assume a 61% ownership of the company. Lok Home, President of Robbins, will remain vested in the company and continue in his leadership role. In the final phase, Robbins, NFM and NHI will be merged and with Home anticipated to assume the role of President of the newly formed company. Operations of The Robbins Company, explained the statement, are expected to remain the same. 来自罗宾斯的通报显示,目前签署的并购协议是与北方重工分三个阶段的合并流程的第一 步。下一步,预计在2016年7月,北方重工将持有罗宾斯61%的股份。罗宾斯现总裁 LOK HOME 将继续留在公司并承担领导角色。在最终阶段,罗宾斯、NFM 和北方重工将合并,LOK HOME 预计将出任合并后新公司的董事长。罗宾斯目前的运营将不会有任何变化。
  “This merger puts Robbins in an excellent position to expand our presence in the global TBM market,” said Home. “It will enable us to provide better global service and support to our customers, and will open the door to new opportunities, especially in China. NHI has impressive capabilities. Joining forces with it gives us expanded resources to go after more projects and strengthens our reputation as a world leader in the tunnel boring industry.” “这次并购将使罗宾斯公司在国际TBM市场扩张方面处于一个非常有利的位置,”HOME 先生指出。“它使得我们有能力为国际客户提供更好的全球服务,并为新的市场机遇打开 大门,尤其是中国市场。北方重工有着非常出色的能力,与其合并给我们提供了更多的资 源去跟踪更多的项目,并进一步加强了我们在TBM行业作为世界领导者的地位。” With TBMs of the Robbins and NFM brand in its product portfolio, NHI has strengthened its intent to become a transnational tunnelling machine supplier. The merger with Robbins is expected to provide a competitive edge for the China state-owned NHI and to revive the manufacturing sector in the old industrial base in the northeast region of China where NHI has its huge manufacturing site in Shenyang. NHI products are said to be sold to more than 30 countries worldwide. 产品线中有了罗宾斯和NFM品牌的TBM后,北方重工进一步强化了它想变成一家跨国TB M供应商的意图。与罗宾斯的合并将有望为这家国营企业提供更有竞争力的条件,并重振 这家位于沈阳东北传统工业基地的制造板块。北方重工的产品据称已销往世界30多个国 家。 The reported acquisition deal is said to support aspirations by NHI to become a public company in three to five years, when its output value is expected to reach 3 billion Yuan (near US$451 million). 这次并购据称将有助于北方重工在3-5年内上市,其年产值将达到30亿人民币。

NHI acquired NFM Technologies in 2007
  A report in a Chinese newspaper states that after the merger, NHI plans to integrate the resources and expertise of both companies in a new registered firm at a high-end industrial park in Shenyang, and enhance its presence in the international heavy machinery market. The China newspaper report states that the NHI Company employs 10,000 people and is among China's top three heavy machinery manufacturers.

NHI manufacturing facility in Shenyang in northeastern China
  中国媒体报道,并购以后,北方重工计划将双方的优势资源整合到将在沈阳高新工业园成 立的新公司,并加强其在国际重型机械市场的扩展。中国媒体介绍了北方重工员工人数达 10000名,是中国前三名的重型机械制造厂商之一。
  Some time ago, Liaoning Censcience Industry Co., Ltd (hereafter referred as “LNSS”) had successfully purchased the whole assets and international properties of Caterpillar Tunneling Canada Corporation (the former “LOVAT”), and had set up Lovsuns Tunneling Canada Limited, its own holding company in Toronto, as its research & development, manufacturing and sales base. 此前,辽宁三三工业有限公司(LNSS)全资收购了卡特彼勒加拿大隧道设备有限公司 (前LOVAT公司),获得了全部资产和知识产权,并在多伦多建立了控股公司LOVSUNS 公司作为除本土外的研发、制造和销售基地。

Factory figure of Lovusns
  China Railway Engineering Equipment Group had purchased the technology of hard rock TBM and vertical shaft drilling from Germany WIRTH. NHI Group had purchased 70%’s equity from NFM. Zoomlion Union had wholly purchased Germany CIFA, SANY had purchased Germany PUTZMEISTER, China Communication Construction Company had purchased JOHN HOLLAND of Germany LEIGHTON Group. The acquisition targets of the latter three aren’t manufacturer of TBM. 中铁装备收购了德国WIRTH公司的硬岩掘进机和竖井钻机技术。沈阳北方重工收购了 法国NFM公司70%的股权。中联重科联合体全资收购了意大利CIFA公司,三一重工收 购了德国PUTZMEISTER公司,中交集团收购了澳大利亚承包商LEIGHTON集团下面 的JOHN HOLLAND公司。后三者收购的不是TBM领域的制造商。


专  题
出刊日期:(2014 07 08)



  China deal for Robbins 29 Jun 2016
  Shani Wallis, TunnelTalk The Robbins Company of the USA has secured a merger and acquisition deal with Northern Heavy Industries (NHI) Group of China. 美国罗宾斯与沈阳北方重工完成了并购交易
  An initial report from a senior source at Robbins confirmed: "Yes; NHI is investing in Robbins. However no big changes as far as Robbins is concerned except we will be more financially strong."
  罗宾斯的高层确认:“是的,北方重工将投资罗宾斯,但这对罗宾斯的运营变化不大,只 是在财务上我们比以前更强大了。”
  NHI announces the deal after its acquisition of NFM Technologies of France in 2007.
  A statement from Robbins explains that the agreement is the first step of a three-phase merger process with NHI. In the next phase, anticipated to occur in July 2016, NHI will assume a 61% ownership of the company. Lok Home, President of Robbins, will remain vested in the company and continue in his leadership role. In the final phase, Robbins, NFM and NHI will be merged and with Home anticipated to assume the role of President of the newly formed company. Operations of The Robbins Company, explained the statement, are expected to remain the same. 来自罗宾斯的通报显示,目前签署的并购协议是与北方重工分三个阶段的合并流程的第一 步。下一步,预计在2016年7月,北方重工将持有罗宾斯61%的股份。罗宾斯现总裁 LOK HOME 将继续留在公司并承担领导角色。在最终阶段,罗宾斯、NFM 和北方重工将合并,LOK HOME 预计将出任合并后新公司的董事长。罗宾斯目前的运营将不会有任何变化。
  “This merger puts Robbins in an excellent position to expand our presence in the global TBM market,” said Home. “It will enable us to provide better global service and support to our customers, and will open the door to new opportunities, especially in China. NHI has impressive capabilities. Joining forces with it gives us expanded resources to go after more projects and strengthens our reputation as a world leader in the tunnel boring industry.” “这次并购将使罗宾斯公司在国际TBM市场扩张方面处于一个非常有利的位置,”HOME 先生指出。“它使得我们有能力为国际客户提供更好的全球服务,并为新的市场机遇打开 大门,尤其是中国市场。北方重工有着非常出色的能力,与其合并给我们提供了更多的资 源去跟踪更多的项目,并进一步加强了我们在TBM行业作为世界领导者的地位。” With TBMs of the Robbins and NFM brand in its product portfolio, NHI has strengthened its intent to become a transnational tunnelling machine supplier. The merger with Robbins is expected to provide a competitive edge for the China state-owned NHI and to revive the manufacturing sector in the old industrial base in the northeast region of China where NHI has its huge manufacturing site in Shenyang. NHI products are said to be sold to more than 30 countries worldwide. 产品线中有了罗宾斯和NFM品牌的TBM后,北方重工进一步强化了它想变成一家跨国TB M供应商的意图。与罗宾斯的合并将有望为这家国营企业提供更有竞争力的条件,并重振 这家位于沈阳东北传统工业基地的制造板块。北方重工的产品据称已销往世界30多个国 家。 The reported acquisition deal is said to support aspirations by NHI to become a public company in three to five years, when its output value is expected to reach 3 billion Yuan (near US$451 million). 这次并购据称将有助于北方重工在3-5年内上市,其年产值将达到30亿人民币。

NHI acquired NFM Technologies in 2007
  A report in a Chinese newspaper states that after the merger, NHI plans to integrate the resources and expertise of both companies in a new registered firm at a high-end industrial park in Shenyang, and enhance its presence in the international heavy machinery market. The China newspaper report states that the NHI Company employs 10,000 people and is among China's top three heavy machinery manufacturers.

NHI manufacturing facility in Shenyang in northeastern China
  中国媒体报道,并购以后,北方重工计划将双方的优势资源整合到将在沈阳高新工业园成 立的新公司,并加强其在国际重型机械市场的扩展。中国媒体介绍了北方重工员工人数达 10000名,是中国前三名的重型机械制造厂商之一。
  Some time ago, Liaoning Censcience Industry Co., Ltd (hereafter referred as “LNSS”) had successfully purchased the whole assets and international properties of Caterpillar Tunneling Canada Corporation (the former “LOVAT”), and had set up Lovsuns Tunneling Canada Limited, its own holding company in Toronto, as its research & development, manufacturing and sales base. 此前,辽宁三三工业有限公司(LNSS)全资收购了卡特彼勒加拿大隧道设备有限公司 (前LOVAT公司),获得了全部资产和知识产权,并在多伦多建立了控股公司LOVSUNS 公司作为除本土外的研发、制造和销售基地。

Factory figure of Lovusns
  China Railway Engineering Equipment Group had purchased the technology of hard rock TBM and vertical shaft drilling from Germany WIRTH. NHI Group had purchased 70%’s equity from NFM. Zoomlion Union had wholly purchased Germany CIFA, SANY had purchased Germany PUTZMEISTER, China Communication Construction Company had purchased JOHN HOLLAND of Germany LEIGHTON Group. The acquisition targets of the latter three aren’t manufacturer of TBM. 中铁装备收购了德国WIRTH公司的硬岩掘进机和竖井钻机技术。沈阳北方重工收购了 法国NFM公司70%的股权。中联重科联合体全资收购了意大利CIFA公司,三一重工收 购了德国PUTZMEISTER公司,中交集团收购了澳大利亚承包商LEIGHTON集团下面 的JOHN HOLLAND公司。后三者收购的不是TBM领域的制造商。